Tat's me

Xinzi strongly believe tat: under tis world, all the things u can own it by urself, jz u 1 or u don’t 1 only. But, for sure tat, will not hav any single little thing or single knowledge even single experience u can own it without put in any effort on it! And, if the things u can jz buy it & get it easily, u ll not appreciate & u ll not feel any satisfaction because there is no challenges. "TRY TO GET THINGS BY UR OWN, IT IS REALLY FEEL GOOD!" If it is really wat u 1, u ll try to learn more & get some info on it, n then very naturally it ll generate ur interest at the same time u should put in more effort try to get or satisfy it even it is not the things jz a human being!

Wednesday 11 May 2011


不久的曾经 你让我以为 还会有这样的一个人

我天真地相信 我从前从前的想法 都错了

现今有所不同了 有了新的突破 奇迹

对你 可以毫无顾虑 想说 想做 就不要烦恼的去做

或许那些 想怎样就怎样 随着走的方法 我出错了

但是你也不曾提醒过我 教我改正 就这样

你说的 做的 答应的 就连承诺的 也不过如此

等待你的任何 回应 消息 解释


你呢? 消失了。

心事也不过如此 对谁说也都一样 不是?

眼泪掉累了 一切也都会不一样了。

这时候 我才发觉 原来我认为的 也只不过如此。
